Gas emergency supply - your independence from the gas network

What if your gas mains supply fails?

You are looking for one

  • LPG backup solution (LPG emergency supply)
  • LPG backup solution (LPG emergency supply)
  • Propane backup solution (propane emergency supply)

as a gas backup supply and/or gas emergency supply in the event of a failure of your natural gas supply via the gas network?

We advise, plan, project and build your liquid gas system including gas / air mixing system and make you independent of your natural gas network for the future.

Have we piqued your interest ? 

Contact us at 05341-87688-195
or use our online inquiry!


Contact information

PA Propan & Ammoniak
Anlagen GmbH

Erzwäsche 50-51
38229 Salzgitter OT Gebhardshagen

Telefon 0 53 41 - 8 76 88 - 0
Telefax 0 53 41 - 8 76 88 - 191


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with you.

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