PA-Hot Water Vaporizer
Advantages of a hot water Vaporizer compared to the electrically heated (Dry-Type) vaporizer
In selecting a vaporizer system, the question constantly arises as to whether an electrically heated vaporizer or a hot water vaporizer is the right choice.
In many cases the use of a hot water vaporizer is the better and cheaper solution because liquid gas (LPG, propane, butane), natural gas or steam can preferably be used to generate the required heat. The operator of the vaporizer system has the advantage that the energy costs for the required heat generation are reduced by approx. 80% because gas is significantly cheaper than electricity.
General Information – Hot Water Vaporizer
In commercial and industrial areas, liquid gas (LPG, propane, butane) is often used to heat buildings and is used as a process gas for a variety of other applications. For this, large quantities of liquid gas often have to be provided in a short time. In order to cover this consumption, the so-called liquid gas vaporizers are used for such applications, which convert the liquid gas from the liquid to the gas state. The LPG hot water vaporizers (Brand: PA-WW-….) are operated with water, which serves as a heat transfer fluid. The heating and monitoring of the heat transfer medium is controlled by a thermostat. Once the required evaporating temperature has been reached, the redundant solenoid valves open. The Liquid gas enters into the vaporizer and is converted within the unit into the gas phase.
The modern and reliable design detects fluctuations of the gas flow rate and regulates the required heating output accordingly. The hot water vaporizers have a performance range from 200 to 15.000 kg / h.
Depending on the required performance, the appropriate tube bundle or plate heat exchangers are used for the hot water vaporizer. The Vaporizer is designed according to EU regulations.
According to customer requirements, the vaporizer is designed redundantly or redundantly and diversely, whereby the liquid gas separator could be supplied with a mechanical or electrical shutdown system (Liquiphant / limit switch). A redundant version is also available for the medium-pressure or low-pressure control system. Basically, The hot water vaporizer type PA-WW ... can be installed in Ex-Zone 1, but the required electrical system control must be installed outside the Ex-Zone.
The PA-Hot Water Vaporizer are available in the following versions:
- Hot Water Vaporizer as a single unit
- Hot Water Vaporizer in cabinet contruction
- Hot Water Vaporizer with an aboveground or underground storage tank, optional with a large storage tank
- Hot Water Vaporizer in container or mounted on frame
- Hot Water Vaporizer included the required heating system, pressure control system and the electrical control cabinet, mounted in two separate containers
PA evaporators are available for the following media:
Propane, Butane, Propylene, Butylene, Ammonia, Amine, Diethyl Ether/DIMETHYL ETHER (DME), Diethylethylamine (DMEA), Diethylisopropylamine (DMPUIA), Triethylamine (TEA), Trimethylamine, Methylamine, Ethylamine, Dimethylamine, Refrigerant etc.
We offer you the following services:
- Advice and dimensioning for your application
- construction of the plant
- Development of the system control
- On-site assembly and commissioning
- maintenance and service